
David Creel

The Blindspot Coach



I guide and inspire people to achieve greatness.

I'm glad you found me. Please stay with me and allow me to tell you who I am in the world. The way I'm going to do that is by sharing with you something I call my Document.

I am an imperfect soldier for Christ.

I am salt and light.

I am forgiven.

I am a friend of the King of the Universe.

I am a created being in God’s image.

I am a husband first, a father second, and a coach third.

I am a great husband and father.

I am protecting of my family.

I am loyal.

I am a friend.

I am a giver.

I am happy.

I am prosperous.

I am peace.

I am gratitude.

I am grace, for others, and for myself.

I am only here for a little while, then the real journey begins.

I am what's possible.

I am that I create.

I am ease, abundance, and contribution.

I am strong.

I am attractive.

I am active.

I am the best coach on the planet. (TBCOTP)

I ask great questions.

I have high expectations for others, and myself.

I am a man of integrity.

I am a man of action.

I am a man of stillness.

I am patient.

I am aware of my limited capabilities, but am walking and talking daily with the Limitless One, who owns everything.

I am kind.

I am funny.

I am enough.

I am not afraid, even of death.

I am aware that I can’t do it all by myself.

Divine appointments happen to me daily, and I don’t miss them.

I am present wherever I am.

Money comes from serving others.

I am a serious person.

I am committed.

I am fighting FROM victory, not FOR victory.

The most important people in my life are Jennifer Susanne Creel and Max Wayne Creel.

Nothing I can do, say, think, or imagine can separate me from the love of Jesus Christ.

I am His. Nothing seen or unseen can take that away from me.

I am my word.

I am love, and loved.

The best is yet to come!

It’s not about me.

My name is David, and I’m beloved.

 Thank you for taking the time to read that.

Now that I've told you who I am, let me tell you how I serve in the world.

I serve coaches who also have a full-time job.

They tell me they struggling to balance a full-time job, their personal life, and the development of a coaching business.

They also tell me they are tired of getting all the advice from the "online gurus", with no results to show for their efforts.

Now some of you reading this about the work I do in the world will have the thought, “that's not interesting, that’s not me.” For those of you thinking that, I really appreciate you reading this and hope you have a great day.

For those of you who thought to yourself as you were reading, “Man, that sounds like me!” Well, I look forward to speaking with you and trust that you'll reach out to me so we can have a conversation.

My Coaching Philosophy

The Blindspot Book Club (The BBC)

Join The BBC

Can you relate to my friend “Wayne”!?

Tom Ziglar Interview

FREE Choose To Win Assessment



Highly Likely to Recommend

I recommend David, he's a great coach! He's got the right words to inspire you to achieve greatness. Even though I'm French, living overseas and English is not my primary language, he was there for me, helping me discover the best in me and pushing me up toward my dream! He is a true encourager! I invite you to start to walk with him, you'll be immensely blessed!

Johan G.

Highly Likely to Recommend

David is very transparent! He has an equal balance of compassion and testing you! If you want a coach who is going to challenge you David is your guy! There is no one better is shares the love of Christ through his conversations through text, phone call or zoom! I can’t endorse Coach David Creel enough!

Ryan M.

Highly Likely to Recommend

I am thrilled to share my heartfelt testimonial about David's exceptional business coaching and the profound impact it had on my professional journey. When I first sought out David's guidance, I was facing numerous challenges in my business that left me feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about the future. However, from our very first session, it was evident that I had made the right choice.

David's coaching style is a perfect blend of empathy, wisdom, and practicality. He took the time to understand the intricacies of my business and the specific issues I was grappling with. Rather than providing generic solutions, he tailored his coaching approach to address my unique needs and goals, making the entire experience personalized and effective.

One of the most remarkable aspects of David's coaching was his ability to identify my strengths and areas for improvement. He helped me recognize my untapped potential and showed me how to leverage it to achieve my objectives. His insights and strategies have undoubtedly been instrumental in elevating my confidence as a business leader.

What impressed me the most about David was his genuine passion for his craft. He didn't just offer advice from a distance; he invested himself wholeheartedly in my success. He went above and beyond to ensure that I remained motivated and accountable for taking the necessary steps to achieve my targets.

Throughout our coaching sessions, David imparted invaluable knowledge and expert guidance on various aspects of business, including strategic planning, effective marketing techniques, and streamlining operations. His extensive experience in the corporate world was evident, and his lessons were always relevant and up-to-date with the latest industry trends.

I can confidently say that David's coaching has been a pivotal turning point in my entrepreneurial journey. His unwavering commitment to my success, combined with his wealth of knowledge, has made an indelible impact on my business and personal development. I am eternally grateful for the opportunity to work with him and wholeheartedly recommend his services to any business owner seeking to take their venture to new heights. Thank you, David, for being an outstanding mentor and catalyst for my success!

Lakeitha B.

Highly Likely to Recommend

Working with David has been insightful and encouraging. I often struggle with lack of focus and motivation. He took the time to know me. He asks the right questions and he's a great listener. Working with him wasn't about telling me exactly what I needed to do next in my life but more about guiding me to develop and understand what it is that I wanted to do next. He gave me tools to help me prioritize my day and help me focus on the things that I am passionate about or want to spend more time exploring. He is consistent, compassionate, and you can tell he truly enjoys helping others be their best! The one on one sessions were powerful and the ongoing weekly group meetings help keep me motivated.

Tina G.

Highly likely to recommend

David has been invaluable during this transition in my life. He has helped me open my eyes to new ways of thinking and looking at my future. I think the most important thing about David is he meets you where you are at and leaves room for you to evolve as an individual. Working with David has helped me gain confidence in my own aspirations and to be assertive in those. If you are looking for a coach, I highly recommend working with David.

Erica F.

Highly likely to recommend

The journey I have been on the last 5 years has been a roller coaster and I thought I had found my calling, my tribe, peace and ready to start exploring the next goal. I had been following David for awhile on Facebook and thought to myself it's time to get focused on my health. Then all of a sudden, a DM came across my phone and it was Coach David asking if I wanted to schedule a call... Um I thought about it for awhile and was like yea whats it going to hurt!  

God knew that I was going to need a stubborn... Caring... Levelheaded... Focused, did I say stubborn already, person to help me through what was coming next. 

Our call was one of the greatest calls I had ever had and I was stoked to be trying the things he suggested... Little did we know in the next two weeks my life went into what I felt was extreme chaos and the tribe I loved so much was broken. Well I guess God had other plans for my journey. Coach David stayed right by my side, checking on me, guiding me no matter what negative thoughts I threw at him, he didn't give up, he sent me the tools I needed to get my mindset back on track. He hasn't given up on me!!! Huge win 🏆! He has been a coach and a friend, you don't find that now a days. It's not all about the money for him. I highly recommend working with Coach David if you truly want to start changing your life for the better.

April B.

Highly likely to recommend

I met David, who was friendly and welcoming, and we immediately connected. I asked him about how he gets clients, and he provided a level of service that I've never experienced before. He listened to me, understood my world, and has already made a significant impact in just two days. I've gone from doubting myself and beating myself up, to having clarity and taking action. David helped me recognize where I wasn't keeping my word to myself, and that I was self-sabotaging and draining my motivation. Now, I have a burning passion to serve others, like David served me. He's more than a coach; he's a good man with a good heart and a friend for life. I highly recommend David if you want to excel in your personal and business life. Message him now.

Janine R.

Highly likely to recommend

Working with David has been really great. David has a true talent of being able to have a genuine conversation with you, to find the thoughts and actions that are just inside your blind spot, in order to bring them into the light so that you can start implementing them. Truly refreshing to speak with someone that wants to see you succeed, would 10/10 recommend reaching out to David.

Cortney T.

Highly likely to recommend

David Creel and I have worked together to help me build a better future since early 2022. We have journeyed through many challenging areas of improving life for both myself as well as for my clients, associates, friends & family. I have learned so much in quality & depth from my sessions with David and it really is invaluable. David provides leadership & guidance through the mire of coaching development practices and approaches, streamlining them into a very personalized presentation. David brings depth and experience to the table in every coaching & training session. I highly recommend David Creel’s Life Coaching as one of the highest quality and truly caring coaches I’ve known, and I plan to continue our training & coaching relationship into the far future. Thank you David, for being so dedicated to serving fully with your excellent coaching style!

Julia M.

Highly likely to recommend

David has been solid in his belief in me. He's been available and dependable. He has a way of helping us see how the rush and pressure of culture has construed our mindsets, decisions, and actions.

Sam D.

Highly likely to recommend

I met David through a mutual friend and on the first call I had realized that he was able to understand my thoughts (and that is hard to do with me) and get to the core to be able to help me. The second call was even more eye opening. We discussed a lot of different things that I have been going through and with David's help, I discovered a lot of solutions. He's down to earth, easy going and practical. Someone you could really trust to help you through to achieve what you desire.

Richard C.

Highly likely to recommend

David is an authentic coach, he comes from a place of experience, humility, empathy and truth, the real truth that is not packaged. I come from a 14-year background in business, finance, sales, and marketing. My industry is one of the toughest and can really take its toll on a person. The time I spent with David was revealing and you cannot put a price on what he brings into the lives of people. I know David can help me to grow and reach a new height in my career and my personal life which these days have become one in the same. 

David Creel is now someone that I trust and is now a trusted friend!

Alex S.

Highly likely to recommend

I wanted to thank you for being my coach and believing in me. Your coaching has made a big difference in my life. It's helped me to see how I've been wasting my time, and how I have control over what I give my time to. Now I have some goals and am more excited about my future. Thank you again!

Kathleen S.

Highly likely to recommend

In the last two days, I have reached out to others to lighten my load professionally and personally. That's something that I would not of had enough courage to do before we started working together. Thank you.

Tiya T.

Highly likely to recommend

Thank you so much. I'm beyond words for getting the chance to know you and speak with you. You truly impacted my life with that one call tonight and I'm excited to see what the future holds.

Beverly B.

Highly likely to recommend

David is as authentic as they come. His humor, honesty, and integrity are woven into everything he does. He coached me through some large life transitions and helped me understand my value and empowered me to move forward with confidence following a practical plan.

Sarah O.

Highly likely to recommend

Wow! Wow! Wow! If you have never spent some time speaking to David Creel and experiencing his coaching, I highly recommend you do!

Nance S.

Highly likely to recommend

Before I spoke with David, I was frustrated with myself that I couldn't seem to make progress. During our coaching session, he showed me that I'm a people pleaser and have difficulty saying 'no', an expect all or nothing in myself. And now I see that I can take small steps and I am allowed to say 'no' to things that don't fit in my plans.

Jocelyn W.

Highly likely to recommend

Before I spoke with David, I was struggling with next steps for my side business without compromising the long-term plans my husband and I have for our family. During our coaching session, he gave me tips on how to approach my prayer life differently so I could walk more closely with God on these big decisions. And now, I see of the underlying motivators for us is actually a situation we need to address head on and take it to God for guidance on how to navigate.

Rachel C.

Highly likely to recommend

Thanks so much for coaching me through the Choose to Win book and helping me implement the principles in my life. My life, my family, my business and my balance are better because I engaged you to help me take steps in the direction of my priorities.

When we started I was really out of balance; my Wheel of Life was flopping around, bouncing down the road. Now it is evened out and expanding in all 7 areas. Thank you so much for your friendship, care and connection. You made growing less painful and more enjoyable.

Ryan F.

Highly likely to recommend

To be honest, I had heard of life coaches but really wasn't sure what they did. After my consultation session with David, I knew he was exactly what I needed in my life. Hiring David Creel as my coach is simply one of the best investments I've ever made. By the end of the 2nd session, the changes that David helped me make had already paid for the price of the entire 12-week course. Besides the financial return, worth many times the price of the coaching, David's constant follow up between sessions ensured I was moving forward in my life goals. He made the whole process rewarding and a pleasure from start to finish. David also tailored the sessions to meet my ever-changing work schedule. Investing in myself and using a career coach has been one of the greatest rates of return that I have gotten from an investment. David was a consistent force who forced me to push myself further when I reached barriers that normally would have stopped me in my tracks. 

Troy H.

Highly likely to recommend

Before my coaching session with David I was really struggling to develop a 'big picture' plan for my passions and career. I also needed some practical steps to get me out of the starting gate and into my "lane". During my session he gave me clear direction on both, and also, by asking great questions, revealed to me my blind spots and got me to look at the heart of the matter. I now see my situation with greater clarity and I'm able to discern my next steps and beyond.  David has great wisdom and the ability to make you think deep. Be honest with yourself, and take action. This coaching session was a game changer for me. 

Mike S.


  • Ebook, Audiobook, and Physical Book

    Ebook, Audiobook, and Physical Book

    Who doesn't like saving money!? Get the digital, audio, and physical book all for $30. (Normal price for all 3 would be $45).


    • Road Trip - From Survival to Legacy Book

      Road Trip - From Survival to Legacy Book

      This book is a road map for living a life of balanced success in the seven areas of life that truly matter: Mental, Spiritual, Physical, Family, Financial, Personal, and Career. If you feel "stuck" in any of these areas, order this book today!


      • Road Trip - From Survival to Legacy (AudioBook)

        Road Trip - From Survival to Legacy (AudioBook)

        A road map for living a life of balanced success in the seven key areas of life: Mental, Spiritual, Physical, Family, Financial, Personal, and Career. If you feel "stuck" in any of these areas, order this book today! Save time and environment!


        • Road Trip - From Survival to Legacy Digital eBook

          Road Trip - From Survival to Legacy Digital eBook

          A road map for living a life of balanced success in the seven key areas of life: Mental, Spiritual, Physical, Family, Financial, Personal, and Career. If you feel "stuck" in any of these areas, order this book today! Save time and environment!


          • Be. Do. Have. Package

            Be. Do. Have. Package



            • The Goals Workshop

              The Goals Workshop


              • Wheel of Life Assessment Package

                Wheel of Life Assessment Package

                • Wheel of Life Assessment
                • 2 Worksheets
                • 10 videos/audios about each spoke


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